Sunday, January 24, 2010

Need a weee

Day two off the rest off our life....and we are off to the Doctor for poking, prodding and a scan to establish how long ago the deed was done.

The co-pilot was initially checked out by the doc then it was off to the clinic for a scan and she was told to drink at least 1.5l of liquid before arriving. So at 9.30am this morning We arrived with CPs bladder fit to burst and praying we weren't sat around waiting too long. And thankfully it was a very slick in and through to the change room

And with the sexy gown donned we went through to the darkened room with the big TV and lots of probes and tubes of jelly where CP was strapped down and...

[Stop being silly Steven, and there will be absolutly NO discription or photos of that bit!!]

:Yes boss

Well, moving swiftly on, the scan went well, if a little uncomfortable looking and it would seem we are definatly going to be parents, and CP is now keeping our 5week and 4day old peanut warm!! And it has a heart rate of 97bpm

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Grumpy Goat said...

So how long before it develops a definite gender?

The Yellow Box Of Doom said...

You know what, I have no fact it never occurred to me to ask...

Mind you, last time I asked a question about the whole process I was shown lots of details in the "what to expect when you are expecting" book and believe me the diagrams and photos scarred me for life!!

Paul said...
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Grumpy Goat said...

The gender is probably already fixed, but won't become apparent until an ultrasound scan in a few months' time. (Keep the pic for the album!)

You may choose to wait until the baby is born, or else find out in advance and be prepared with gender-appropriate colours and a suitable shortlist of names.

Good luck!

R Bailey said...

Sure the baby will be in YELLOW no matter what.

Sensible answer is can sometimes tell at 12 week scan but normally by 20 week scan.