Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cravings....nooooo, no cravings here

They say when girlies get pregnant that they get cravi gs for odd stuff. They also say that girlies MAY become a bit emotional unbalanced and given to getting upset at the strangest things or people mentioning their cravings,....which they don't have. Nor do their cravings change from one day to the next.

In fact I have theory that cravings (if they were to exist) arnt in any way linked to any need from the baby for certain things for growing etc. Instead they are a need by the mothers brain to test the loyalty of the husband.....and how far his patience can be pushed by demands for Jaffa cakes and poppdums at 10:45pm......while in China town.

Last week it was (or wasn't) salted crisps and hot chocolate.

And in case you are wondering yes, I am writting this while wondering around the supermarket looking for that perfectly normal combination if poppdoms and Jaffa cakes.....

I usually like to include a picture of some sort which is somehow linked to the post you are reading....but as i found no trace of the Jaffa cakes or the poppdoms here's one of the beach we went to earlier today.

That is the beach with the crap cafe that doesn't do jaffa cakes or bloody poppdoms either!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

R Bailey said...

Don't worry it gets better.
In about 22 years the sprog will go to university and you can have your life back.

(Unless they are ginger in which case abandonment at the orphaniage is allowed.)