Friday, September 19, 2008

MAC Add-ict

Now if you have the misfortune of knowing me you'll know I am a MAC addict....I love my Mac byt the way, in case I hadn't mentioned it. Cos its soooooooo good. It works, it jsut owrks, it works all the time, every time I turn it on, and all the way until I turn it off. Its great, and it has loads of cool features like.......

Sorry, where was I, got a bit distractd there. Anyway, I love my Mac and today realised I really am little obsessed....jsut a tad.....when the Co-pilot caught me in the spare room down loading videos. Now I know what you are thinking, and the Co-pilot thought the same "He's downloading pawns!!"

But no, the shame was greater than that, I was watching "Mac Porn".....I was watching the Mac adverts on UTube...........but what can I say, they are pretty cool, take a look:

15 Great MAC adverts

I particularly like the getting out of the box one.

Then I also found a similar one for the Penguin fetishist:
MAC vs Windows Vs Linux
Which was pretty funny, but SO NOT TRUE!!!!

Although Rhubarb, if you are actually reading this, which is unlikley because it isn't written in binary, or hexidecimal or whatever you techispods call all those 1 and 0 this week, where is one for you.

And then I spotted a checky little fun one for the Wii - which I also have one of....but mine isn't nearly that cute ;0):

Mother, I NEED a Wii

and the girl on the right, she soooo makes me want a PS3......

But then the best of the best is when southpark get in on the act:

Southpark Mac vs Windows

Southpark Mac vs windows vs Linux

All very sad I know, but they still amuse me........and its a good distraction from trying to get around the Itisalot proxy to download pictures of girls with........Ooo I wonder, if I try......... that might work, I'll get back to you in a minute....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't really choose a side when it comes to Macs versus PCs... I think they both have their advantages and disadvantages.

By the way, The Yellow Box Of Doom, I noticed you said you don't have a PS3 yet. I suggest you take a look at this Stacker 2 contest going on right now where you can win one just by designing a 6 Hour Power t-shirt. There are less than 350 entrants as of now, and you can also win weekly prizes like 6 Hour Power energy shots (which make a great 'pick me up'). For contest details, go here:

I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by commenting on your blog, by the way. I work with 6HP so if you have any questions about the contest or the drink itself just let me know. Be sure to tell me if you enter too, as I'd be happy to vote for your designs. Good luck!

Franklin Keane