Friday, September 11, 2009

Normal Service Resumed......again

Just a quick update on teh Du situation, which I must admit I thought was Du-n and Du-sted. It seems that in Du world if at first you don't succeed then you have to try and try again.....even after you have already done it.

As previously reported here, Du came and testedout lines and hooked us up about a week ago and low and behold, last night we got a call at 11pm from a Du service agent who was ever so pleased with himself to be abel to tell us:

Du: Evening sir
Me: Evening, who is this
Du: I am calling from Du, I have great news
Me: Really, well it better be at 11pm
Du: You know how we told you that we woudl not be able to send and engineer until the 29th to connect your account?
Me: Yes
Du: Well, good news sir, we have managed to bring the date forward to the 27th
Me: What?
Du: The 27th sir, it will be two days earlier
Me: And you had to call me at 11pm to tell me that
Du: Yes sir, its good news
Me: So good i had to be woken up after I have already been in bed for an hour and a half
Du: Sir?
Me: Well maybe we could both wait until tomorrow morning when we have had a good nights sleep and have clearer head
Du: Pardon sir?
Me: Because then you can check your computer and realise that you connected me 3 days ago!!
Du: Pardon sir
Me: Good night, and do not call me again this late
Du: But sir.....

I felt a pang of guilt for the fella as he did seem really proud of the fact he was going to be able to arrange an engineer 2 days sooner.

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