Saturday, October 24, 2009

Only in Dubai!!

On the theme of reasons to be cheerful there could also be a very rich vein of list of "only in Dubai",  a list of all those things that coudl only ever happen here.  Now this would be a long list, and already done to death elsewhere I am sure, but I saw my own personal summing up of the entire sad tale of this tinsle town turned ghost town where the common may can fool himself that he is something specially only to have it all crash down around his ears.

And the sight in question - an advert for a Lanborgini on a sumermarket notice board!!

I mean come on, supermarket notice boards have usually been the reserve of the tired family car you want rid of, the old step ladder you forgot to return after borrowing and hte box of crap you found at the back of the shed.  Surely such luxury brand items as a Lambo should be sold in expensive magazines or swanky forecourts.......I guess not in Dubia.

1 comment:

Grumpy Goat said...

Come to that, would you pay half a million chips for anything advertised in the window of the Bark and??