Friday, November 7, 2008

Remember Remember the Fifth of Movember

For a long time now, well since puberty really, I have dreamed of one day being able to grow a mustache or beard......or any form of facial hair really. My dad for many years had a full on bushy top lip catapllar, as did my grandad:

So I used to sit in a darkened room rocking back and too troubled by the demons that were my shame at not being able to carry on the family blood hair line.

Even friends and work colleagues have taunted me with their facial badgerness.

Well no more!!!

At the ripe old age of 32 I've decided to try and dispell some of the shame and live up to the family expectations and become a man. To grow a face badger!!

Apparently this month is Movember where one is encouraged not to shave and to be proud of ones facial hair. so in the spirit of such things I've decided to "see what grows"

and so starting from the usual and familiar clean shaven baby soft chin:

I've now spent a whole 7 days of concerted effort and dedicated concentrations and am pleased to unveil the new improved and generally more manly chin:

What do you mean you can't see any difference!!??

The Co-pilot did kind of suggest that perhaps my months growth wasn't as much as it might be, but assured me that she was sure that once I had been through puberty I would start to grow something...... this space for regular hair monster updates.


Grumpy Goat said...

Then simply stop shaving. (Duh!) In the Royal Navy, I'm told, permission for facial hair must be sought. And it's "Permission to Stop Shaving."

Thus the individual concerned is confined to ship for two weeks. Upon inspection a fortnight later, if the beard is deemed to portray the Royal Navy in an appropriate style he's allowed to keep it. If, on the other hand, he resembles a philosophy student, then premission is withdrawn.

A side-effect of this tradition is that sailors generally don't have moustaches, soul-patches or goatees.

Unknown said...

Oh good stuff - all that teasing about my face pubes whenever you are over here in uk.

So when can we see the finished article.

Face badger!