Saturday, August 8, 2009

Internet Carrier

I have for some time been slightly in love with all things Apple Mac.......some have even suggested I may be a Mac fanboy. I don't deny it ;0) While in the UK for the wedding I decided to treat myself and upgrade my iPhone 2g to the sexy new 3gs.

As with all such things related to using the iPhone under anything other than the original contract I have of course had to jailbreak the phone and remove the carrier restrictions. Buy this was easy enough thanks to the iclarify website.

With the new phone up and running I immediatly set about filling up its memory with useless apps that would serve no purpose beyond the amusement brought about by there initial installation. One fantastic example of this is the 'fake carrier' app which allows you to change the name of the phone provider in the top right corner.

I have long since adopted the Grumpy Goats name for the local provider in the UAE (but won't mention their name for fear of getting my blog blocked on the grounds that.....well.....they don't like it) so it was with great amusement that I set my iphone to show the same:

Trust you approve Grumpy Goat.

Normal Service Shall Now Be Resumed

Following a long break in postings on this blog regular reader(s) can lok forward to a resumption of normal service as my latest side project is now completed and I can return to more important matters like diving, driving and general inane observations of stuff around me.

So what was this side project I hear you ask.......well, I only went and got myself married didn't I!!

The lovely Imogen Mason (now Beckett) agreed earlier this year to marry me and made me proper proud. I nthe lead up to the wedding I have therefore been dedicating my efforts to our wedding blog, which can be found at

While previously htis has only been circulated around those invitted to the wedding, with the big day over and done with I thought I'd share it with my wider reader.
